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Spotted Gar Caught by Jason with Mepps Comet Mino in Michigan

Photo of Spotted Gar Caught by Jason with Mepps Comet Mino in Michigan
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Fish Information

Fish: Spotted Gar

Size: 28 Inches / 3lbs

Lure Information

Lure: Comet Mino

Size: 3

Color: Silver Blade

Angler Information

Angler: Jason Hetzel

From: Clinton Township

Country: United States

My Story

Pretty crazy story behind this one. I blew a tire riding 6 miles to Metro Beach again in 90F+ heat with strong winds coming at me. Got to the North Marina and first cast imemdiately nailed this guy on the Comet Mino. He would be my only fish for the day, and going home with a partial flat tire 6 miles in strong winds and blazing heat was terrifying. I nearly ended up in the hospital from getting sick from heat exhaustion upon arriving back home. On top of that I almost got hit by another car at a major intersection where I was hit 2 months prior by some driver. I wasn't about to complain "too" much though. I landed a nice spotted gar. :) Thanks Mepps for making the Comet Mino. It is still one of my most reliable "catch fish no matter what" lures I use.

Catch Information

Caught at: Harrison Township

State: Michigan

Country: United States

Caught On: Saturday June 7, 2008

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