Lure: Aglia BRITE
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Bass, Smallmouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Carp - Crappie (Black) - Grayling - Pike, Northern - Salmon, Coho (silver) - Salmon, Pink - Steelhead - Trout, Brook - Trout, Brown - Trout, Lake - Trout, Rainbow - Walleye - Salmon, Chinook (king)
At 64 I've fished extensively throughout the Upper midwest from Northern Lower Mi. to Northern Mn. and everywhere in between for over 50 years. I am never without multiple styles and sizes of Mepps spinners. They have been my "go-to" lure all my life and I've caught everything I fish for on them. They always produce when nothing else will and never disappoint. This new "Aglia BRITE is my new favorite style. It amazes me that I will catch fish with it when with buddies who are using something else get skunked. Keep supplying us with these!Lure: Aglia Long
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth
As a kid over 40 years ago, I started using Mepps spinners, joined the Master Angler Club and collected many chevrons. For most of my adult life, I lived in an area not particularly known for bass, but recently relocated to Florida. I still have some of my spinners that are over 40 years old. While all the locals swear by their plastic worms, I pulled out my number 1 Aglia Long to fish in the little pond behind my house. The bass absolutely love it. I mostly catch 10-12 inchers, with a few 12-15 thrown in, but the action is always fast and furious. The other day though, something hit me really hard. I couldn't believe it when I brought in a 26 inch bass that was 20 inches around. I don't have a scale, and I'm a catch and release guy, so I got my wife to take a picture and I released it quickly. The internet calculators say it was probably somewhere between 10 lbs 6 oz and 11 lbs 2 oz based on the length and girth. I've seen pictures of bass like that, but never one in real life, let alone in my hand. It blew away my personal largemouth record of a little over 6 lbs. I just want to thank Mepps for being my go to lures, and to let anyone know that if you have something that works, stick with it. I probably wouldn't be catching anything if I followed what the locals do.