Fish: Salmon, Chinook (king)
Size: 51.9 Pounds
Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Size: #5
Color: Green Platium
Angler: Dave Pitts
From: Brookings
Country: United States
Trolling the Saltwater using a Mepps Aglia. Placed the spinner approximately 60 feet behind the boat. I like to use a spreader with a two ounce weight and troll between 2.5 and 3.0 mph. This will swing the weight into the target zone and not allow fish a long look at your lure. This is the second King Over 50 pounds in less than a week. Don't troll where everyone else does, troll just to one side or the other even though it is shallower. Numerous boats will push fish to the sides out of the slots.
Caught at: Rogue River
State: Oregon
Country: United States