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Crappie Caught by Kimberly with Mepps Aglia & Dressed Aglia in Michigan

Photo of Crappie Caught by Kimberly with Mepps Aglia & Dressed Aglia in Michigan
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Fish Information

Fish: Crappie (Black)

Size: 12 1/2" - 1 Lb 3 Ozs

Lure Information

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Size: #4

Color: Rainbow Trout Blade

Angler Information

Angler: Kimberly Green

From: Midland

Country: United States

My Story

My fiance and I went to the bait shop and purchased two new #4 dressed treble lures. The first was green & orange(Hot Orange/Chartreuse) and the second was pink & blue/silver(Rainbow Trout). I had already fished the lake in the morning with no success and decided to go back for a second try with the new lures. Once we located the 10 ft hole, we threw out our lines and immediately, all sorts of species began hitting my lure. The first one was a 4 Lb pike, then a 14 1/2 inch Walleye and then the 1 Lb 3 ounce Crappie - I was so excited so see a variety of species enjoying one lure! I even gave a small rock bass a run for his money and enjoyed watching the chase. On top of all the fun I had today, I also caught 3 small pike - what a day!

Catch Information

Caught at: St Helen's Lake

State: Michigan

Country: United States

Caught On: Sunday May 24, 2009

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