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Carp Caught by Amber with Mepps Little Wolf in Idaho

Photo of Carp Caught by Amber with Mepps Little Wolf in Idaho
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Fish Information

Fish: Carp

Size: 27 Inches / 10.3 Pounds

Lure Information

Lure: Little Wolf

Size: 1/4 Oz

Color: Silver/Blue

Angler Information

Angler: Amber Harris

From: Boise

Country: United States

My Story

It was the end of our trip and I was casting and wading back in to shore, when I snagged him in the back dorsal fin. After I reeled him, I had to carry him back to shore without losing him. Since my husband had our only net and he was a quarter mile upstream. What a ride! It was my only fish for the whole trip.

Catch Information

Caught at: Jacks Creek

State: Idaho

Country: United States

Caught On: Thursday May 6, 2010

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