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Salmon Caught by Ted with Mepps Aglia & Dressed Aglia in Indiana

Photo of Salmon Caught by Ted with Mepps Aglia & Dressed Aglia in Indiana
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Fish Information

Fish: Salmon, Coho (silver)


Lure Information

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Size: #3

Color: Orange/White/Green

Angler Information

Angler: Ted Najzer

From: Portage

Country: United States

My Story

I saw this fish sitting in fast water. I took a cast he nails my Mepps. Set the hook. Nothing. Took a few more casts. Same thing. This fish kept hitting eating my spinner but I could not hook him. Finally I took a look at my spinner and my hook broke off and I did not know it. So I changed my spinner and took a cast and bang this fish nails my Mepps! Hooked him landed him. Looked at his mouth and there was my hook that broke off from my previous spinner. lol He must of had my hook the first time he hit. lol How did my hook break off on him with out the fish or I knowing it is beyond me. lol But I'm glad I was still able to catch my fish!

~Ted (Meppsman)

Catch Information

Caught at: Secret River

State: Indiana

Country: United States

Caught On: Wednesday November 30, 2011

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