
Pike Caught by Jeffrey with Mepps Aglia & Dressed Aglia in Nebraska

Photo of Pike Caught by Jeffrey with Mepps Aglia & Dressed Aglia in Nebraska
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Fish Information

Fish: Pike, Northern

Size: 35in 12.5

Lure Information

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Size: 5

Color: Silver/white

Angler Information

Angler: Jeffrey Scheuler

From: Keystone

Country: United States

My Story

I live near the Dam at Lake McConaughy and have been putting in a few hours nearly every day since late Sept., it's a tough go on foot,and a graveyard of lures. And, when the Northerns started to show up, who usually stay near the west end of this 20 mile lake, I got busy hunting them. I can't count how many lures of all types I've lost there lately, but this #5 Aglia silver dressed in white must be magic cause its still in my bag and has landed several smallmouths and a bunch of big Pike.

Catch Information

Caught at: Lake McConaughy

State: Nebraska

Country: United States

Caught On: Sunday November 18, 2012

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