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Bass Caught by Nick with Mepps Double Blade Aglia in New York

Photo of Bass Caught by Nick with Mepps Double Blade Aglia in New York
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Fish Information

Fish: Bass, Largemouth

Size: 23" 7.25lbs

Lure Information

Lure: Double Blade Aglia

Size: 5

Color: White, silver blade

Angler Information

Angler: Nick Brown

From: Glen Aubrey

Country: United States

My Story

Casted my trusty white double blade Aglia a few feet off a log laying in the water. As soon as it hit the water I started my retrieve but felt a ton of resistance, so I assumed I had snagged lure on a part of the tree that wasn't visible from the surface, so I turn to my friend and say darn it, I'm hooked on that log. Just as I finish my sentence he turns to me and says "I don't think so bud unless that log can swim. Right then I realized I had hooked up on a monster. I fought the fish for a minute or so, then as I get it next to the boat she surfaces. My friend basically screams in excitement as the giant bass comes up. He scrambles for the net and all of a sudden the fish panics and dives under the boat. I didn't even have time to think about it before my brand new rod snapped right in half. At this point I'm scared I'm gonna lose this fish so I immediately grab the line and luckily she was still on, so I haul her up into the boat. What a fish it is too! She measured in at 23" (missing the half her tailfin that would have produced probably close to another inch or so) and weighed 7.25lbs. She was missing an eye as well! I thought that it was best to put her back seeing as how she'd survived what looked to be a tough life already. She eagerly swam away after returning her to her home. Its fishing experiences like this you never forget!

Catch Information

Caught at: Marathon

State: New York

Country: United States

Caught On: Saturday July 4, 2020

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