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Bass Caught by William with Mepps Aglia & Dressed Aglia in Maine

Photo of Bass Caught by William with Mepps Aglia & Dressed Aglia in Maine
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Fish Information

Fish: Bass, Smallmouth

Size: 20" 6lbs

Lure Information

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Size: 4

Color: silver blade, red/yellow center weight with brown

Angler Information

Angler: William Prescott

From: Norway

Country: United States

My Story

William Prescott Sr., an experienced angler, is 82 and has overcome serious medical issues to the point where he did not think that he would ever walk, be active, or even fish again. He has endured so much. Recently, I purchased a handicap accessible boat so that he could once again experience his passion for angling. The waters at his retirement camp are challenging for fishing due to the shallow water and annual Alewife run that moves through the chain of waters to the ocean. Thanks to Mepps products, we have found the solution!

Over the years, we have used many "tried and true" lures for our area, but none have worked. The fishing at our location is slow, often going days at a time with out a strike, which I assume is due to the extensive Alewife population.

One day (a few years back) I decided to experiment, I dug into the recesses of my tackle box and found a Mepps Bucktail spinner. After a brief time (around 30 mins) the fish were suddenly biting: Mepps spinners were, and have been the secret to successful fishing on our lake, and we have been using them exclusively ever since. All sizes, colors and dressings have always yielded a catch, and you NEVER know what will hit the spinner. From Big Bass, Big Yellow Perch, Big Pickerel, 1 lb Sunfish, and even an elusive Brown Trout, your product has provided successful fishing adventures for my Dad and I during his waining years, and for that I am sincerely thankful.

The Smallmouth Bass in the picture is the largest one that William "Bill" Prescott has caught (or I have seen), and is rare for the waters in our area. Furthermore, it was caught with Barbless Hooks (my personal modification with pliers). I am aware that you have COUNTLESS submissions for your catalog, but I hope that you will entertain this once in a lifetime Bass (hopefully he will be around for a few more years) that is testament to the effectiveness of your product.

In conclusion, William (Bill) Prescott was an educator for nearly 50 years, and due to his declining health, he has recently struggled with a sense of purpose. It is my belief that your company can provide him with validation for a lifetime of ethical angling practices as well as the promotion of others who struggle with adversity.

I truly appreciate your time and consideration regarding this matter. Please feel free to contact me regarding any further clarification. In addition, I have a video of the catch that shows the Aglia Spinner.

Best Regards,
Michael M. Prescott

Catch Information

Caught at: Washington County

State: Maine

Country: United States

Caught On: Saturday September 3, 2022

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