Lure: Trouter Kit - Dressed #0 Lure Assortment
Fish Caught: Trout, Rainbow
I caught at least two dozen rainbows in about an hour. Best Mepps lures ever in my opinion!Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Trout, Lake - Trout, Rainbow
Fishing season has not even started here in Northeastern Illinois and I have already caught more fish than all of last season thanks to Mepps! OK . . . I hate to give away my secret, but by using the #1 & 2 white Aglia dressed spinner, I caught 15 largemouth bass in a couple of hours. Granted they were not very large, but a lot of fun for the first bass of spring. Then while trout fishing, I was tired of watching trout swim past my dough and nibble bait, so I picked up my other rod and began to toss the #2 white Aglia dressed spinner and BAM!!! I had a nice rainbow trout on. My wife did the same with a #1 and began to catch trout as well. We caught 5 very nice trout, with my wife catching the largest!