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2012 - November Testimonials

Adrian Webb – Mersey River, Kimberley, Tasmania Australia

Lure: Black Fury Ultra Lites

Fish Caught: Trout, Brown - Trout, Rainbow

The morning started off with heavy cloud and very cool conditions, but, it looked good for a trip to the Mersey River for a spin session. So, after a coffee at the local bakery and a chat, I finally headed off and hit the river at 8:45am and found it to be a little higher due to some decent rains a couple of days ago. Water was only a little discoloured and, yes, the river bottom was covered in algae and as slippery as, well you know! The conditions here at Kimberley were warmer than Sheffield and this was probably because of the dense scrub along the river which blocked the cool breeze. First small section of river I fished using a Mepps Back Fury #00 Gold, I picked up two little fish, one brown, one rainbow and had two more hit and misses. This was the best start to a spin session I've had for a while and was hoping this was going to continue for the rest of the day. Next stretch of river only produced one follow, so moved on to the next section of river that had a good bit of fast water to one side and a slower strip on the other. Worked the Black Fury spinner from the fast water and let it drift with the flow into the slower part of the river and with a slow jerk and retrieve, I picked up another small brown ( 220 gms). The next was another fast water stretch and I could only manage two hookups but couldn't keep them on the lure. Wasn't too ticked off because I was at least getting a few hook-ups and knew it was only a matter of time before I picked up another fish or two anyway.
The next part of the river was a long moderate flowing strip of river and there were a few fish rising in several areas feeding on midges or some thing similar, did pick up two more small browns in the first part of this flow. Then around half way up this section of river hooked into a medium brown that tipped the scales at 360gms and this fish was in top condition too. Didn't get a photo of it as I was in the middle of the river and wasn't going to take the risk of dropping the camera in the drink. A few more cast over the next 20-30 minutes only gave up a couple of follows so got out of the river and moved up to the next section of river that had a very nice stretch of fast water, and I often pick up one or two nice fish here. Second cast into the bottom end of the flow and had a hook up and lost it as this fish made a leap for freedom and succeeded at it too. A quick sharpen of the trebles and I was back into it and it wasn't long before it was fish on, and this was a nice plump rainbow (350 gms) that made three or four leaps but luck was on my side this time and I came out the victor. Casting from where I had just caught the last rainbow and spinning through that same area of water bang! Another rainbow (380 gms) had hit the Mepps Black Fury and with much more aggression than the last fish, and it too made several leaps for freedom. Like the last rainbow his luck had also run out and it wasn't long before it too was in the net and a quick dong on the head to lay it to rest. So then onto the next and my last strip of river that I was to fish and one more small rainbow ( 245 gms) was caught and released. As much as I wanted to keep on working my way up the Mersey and to several sections of river that I know gives up some good browns and rainbows it was time to call it a day. Three and a half hours of slipping and sliding was taking it's toll on me and there's always tomorrow isn't there!! Plus, I'd had 14 hook-ups and landed 5 browns and 4 rainbows so I was chuffed, it had been a good session of spinning on the Mersey at last.
Cheers Adrian.

Adrian Webb – Mersey River, Kimberley, Tasmania Australia

Lure: Black Fury Ultra Lites

Fish Caught: Trout, Brown - Trout, Rainbow


After yesterdays lousy weather and then today's quite the opposite, I thought I would have a late afternoon session on the Mersey from where I was going to start from earlier in the week when that was stopped due to the thunderstorms. So today I hit the river at 4.45pm and started spinning my way upstream and sticking with the # 00 Gold Mepps Black Fury from my last few trips to the rivers. The Mersey had risen a little, but not enough to cause any concerns and it was slightly clouded as well, that was no drama either. The rocky river bottom hadn't changed as it was still slippery and covered in algae making wading difficult as usual. There were a few trout rising and jumping in a few sections, but nowhere near the number as last Tuesday.
Working my way upstream and covering both sides of the river for around 70-80 mtrs I did not have a hit or even sight a fish follow the lure at all. Being the ideal day that it was and after the good rains from the previous few days it was a little disappointing.
Tried several other Mepps spinners and still never sited a fish! Changed back to the Gold Black Fury and continued working on upstream, then at last I was on and this fish tried every trick in the book to toss the spinner. He knew he was hooked and boy he made several leaps for his freedom and a few runs across the river and then back downstream before finally tiring and being landed. It was a nice solid brown that tipped the scales at 565 gms, a beautiful river fish it was too. Next cast upstream and within a couple of mtrs from the river bank I hooked into another brown, but this one was much smaller and was only a 240 gm fish. Two fish in the last two cast really boosts the confidence doesn't it, so away I went again and into the next section of fastwater.
Now this area has never let me down and always gives up a few fish especially rainbows and it didn't let me down either. Casting across the flow and letting the spinner drift with it and with a slow retrieve it wasn't long before I was on again and yes, it was a rainbow. I thought the brown tried every trick in the book to throw the hook, well this fish made at least eight or so leaps out the the river to make it's escape plus swimming back towards me and between my legs too. But it wasn't his day either as it wasn't long before this fish was in the landing net and a nice rainbow it was. This fish, not as big or heavy as the brown went 345 gms, but it did fight a lot more than the brown that's for sure. By now I had been in the river for just over two and quarter hours so I thought I would just finish fishing this stretch of fast water and call it a day. I had several hit and misses plus four hook ups and these fish did manage to toss the spinner during there leaps for freedom. It wasn't until I had reached the top end of the fast water that I did catch two more small rainbows ( 230 gms) and one more small brown that went 260 gms. The sun was now getting low and light was slowly fading it was time to head back to the “ Trout Stalker 2 “ as I had at least a 40 minute walk ( 2-3 kms) ahead of me.
So the late afternoon session on the Mersey River was a worthwhile trip in the end.

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