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2013 - May Testimonials

Dustin Wyatt – Private Ponds, Streams And Rivers Of Central TX, Texas

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Catfish, Channel

This is the #1 lure that I recommend to family and friends. I have 3 tackle boxes full of lures and I find myself catching so many fish with the dressed Aglia that I don't use anything else other than the occasional worm just to mix things up. I catch bluegill on size 0 and 1 and largemouth on #2-#5. Channel cats will even bite occasionally. The only difference is that bigger lures seem to be attacked more ferociously. Since my wife bought me my first "squirrel tail" with a gold blade in 1999, I have produced more fish than ever before. Now that my kids are old enough to fish, I am just going to go purchase a selection of Mepps lures and use the extra money and time on our fishing adventures. Thanks for the countless memories!

Seth – Perry, Iowa

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth

I've only had this lure a couple of weeks and I've already caught over 25 bass and 2 Flathead Catfish with the #3 Aglia. It's the only lure I'll use when I go out to ponds and lakes looking for bass from now on. It was suggested to me by a guy at a large retail store who said the Aglia was the only lure he has in his bass fishing arsenal and now I see why.

Adrian Webb – Leven River, Loongana. Tasmania. Australia

Lure: Black Fury Ultra Lites

Fish Caught: Trout, Brown

'Great Few Hours At Loongana.'
After sitting around the house for the last few days and getting a little bored I decided enough was enough and headed on up to Loongana to have a spin in the Leven River as this area is still open for one more month. When I arrived there it was just great as there was low cloud cover and it was not one bit cold. Actually it was a strange sort of morning as it was quite mild for Loongana at this time of year. The river was at the perfect height and was a light tea color and looked the goods too. Started off right below the bridge flicking the little # 00 Mepps gold Black Fury across too the opposite bank at around 60 degrees and slowly worked it back towards me with the occasional light twitch of the rod. Even at 15 meters away I could see the spinner working in the tea colored river which was good. The first thirty meters of river didn't give up a sign of a fish which was a little disappointing as it looked like it would have held one or two at least.
I had finally reached the top of the first section of fast water and this is where I picked up my first brown of the morning. This wasn't a big fish either, but it was a fish and that's a start. Well that was the only one for the next hour of spinning the next 600 meters of the Leven, though I did have a couple of follows in that time too. The sign of fish was there, and so it was just a matter of getting them to strike the lure in the icy cold water. I tried several different models and colors to no avail, they just weren't into it. Then some one on a nearby property started firing their rifle around and this made me feel very uncomfortable in the river, and so I decided it was time to head back to the car and move on to another spot further upstream.
I headed on up to Taylor's Flats and started to work the river there and it wasn't too long before I had trout number two on the Gold Black Fury. It was another small (240gm)brown that took the spinner and so I was happy that I had decided to make the move further upstream. Over the next 400 meters of fast and medium flowing water I did pick up another two browns before calling it a day. This area of river at Taylor's Flats is a delightful place to have a spin, the beautiful surrounds makes it such a great place to fish. Had I not caught a fish in this area it wouldn't have bothered me too much as it was just such a relaxing place to be. The three browns here were just a bonus that came with the scenery really. So in the three and a half hours in the Leven River here at Loongana I finished the session with four small browns with the best one going 320gms. Couldn't have thought of a better way to spend the day actually.
Cheers Adrian..

Adrian Webb – Meander, Mersey, Dasher, Minnow Rivers. Tasmania. Australia

Lure: Ultra Lite Kit - #00 and #0 Lure Assortment

Fish Caught: Trout, Brown - Trout, Rainbow

'' THE 2012 – 2013 TROUT SEASON REPORT 30-4-13
** Mersey River in all I had 42 trips for a catch of 124 browns and 50 rainbows. All fish were in excellent condition. Quite a lot of small fish were in the catch.
**Meander River in all there were 19 trips for a catch of 166 browns and only 2 rainbows.
The fish taken here were mainly small, the best brown taken being a 1.3 kg brown. That was released as were the majority of the fish caught. Fish were all well conditioned.
**Leven River only had three trips here for a total catch of only 6 browns. Must have been here at the wrong time as this river was a real let down this season, and it wasn't much better last season either.
**Dasher River in four trips a very low catch of only 13 browns were caught and released. Kept my trips down here because of very low water levels and the lack of fish in the river.
**Minnow River another disappointing four trips and a total of 3 browns caught and released. Low water and lack of fish here also kept me to only the three trips to this struggling river.
** Western Ck two trips here produced 5 well conditioned browns. The two trips here early in the season did produce quality fish while the water level was at a medium height.
** Cockatoo Dam just happened to be passing buy it and decided to flick a Mepps Black Fury in it an was lucky enough to catch and release a nice solid brown from this very small piece of water.
'' Only around 8 % of fish caught were kept for a feed.''
** 98% of the fish were caught on Mepps Black Fury, Bug, Aglia & Comet metal blade spinners **
** In 75 trips to the above rivers I caught a total of 318 Brown Trout and 52 Rainbow Trout for the season. Thanks to Mepps for the great products that you produce and that's why you are the Manufacture of the '' Worlds #1 lure.
Adrian Webb

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