Fish: Musky
Size: 36" 13.5lbs
Lure: Musky Marabou
Size: 1 1/4OZ
Color: Black/Chartreuse
Angler: Aaron Motl
From: Waterloo
Country: United States
I was fishing a lake in Madison with one of my co-workers. We fish almost every Monday night for muskies. I lost a smaller one earlier that night on the Marabou. Then I had a musky follow the Marabou to the boat. Then right before dark I had this musky smash the Marabou right after I casted. It wouldn't cooperate with me to stop thrashing and take a good picture plus I had to get it back in the water.
Caught at: Madison
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Caught On: Monday May 24, 2010