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Musky Caught by Mark with Mepps Musky Marabou in Ontario

Photo of Musky Caught by Mark with Mepps Musky Marabou in Ontario
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Fish Information

Fish: Musky

Size: 45 1/2"

Lure Information

Lure: Musky Marabou

Color: Chartruese

Angler Information

Angler: Mark Terwall

From: Trevor

Country: United States

My Story

Was fishing with my best freind and his son. We entered a small bay with moving water and noticed a school of red horse suckers. My friend said "I bet there is a big musky here." I put down my smaller rod and picked up the rod I was using for northern pike with a Mepps # 5 Chartruese Marabou on it. The water was gin clear. On my first cast in this small bay; I could see the musky coming up to my lure and engulf it. We didn't even have a net large enough in the boat. Biggest fish of my life. AND it din't get away, until after the pictures!

Catch Information

Caught at: Cedar Lake, ON

State: Ontario

Country: Canada

Caught On: Friday June 14, 2013

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