Lure: Comet Mino
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Bass, White - Pickerel - Trout, Rainbow
I bought my first Mepps Comet 2 about four years ago. I was a little skeptical at first, but after using it through the first summer, I could not believe how many different fish that lure was capable of attracting and catching. Big Squam is a great smallmouth bass lake but has a large variety of fish. Using this lure, in a variety of ways, including casting, trolling, bouncing over rocks and even casting it out and letting it fall to the bottom!!! The fish just seem to believe it's a real bait fish and they attack it. I have caught Largemouth, smallmouth, salmon, pickeral, whitefish, rainbow, even a bullhead with it. My lure box has never been out of this lure since the first time I used it. Sometime's they are hard to find, so now I buy more when I do fine them...Thanks, Mepp's for the great lure...Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Fish Caught: Trout, Sea/Speckled
Comfortably the most popular spinner in the UK. The simple silver, gold and copper account for some of the best fish taken in this country. Popularly used for fishing salmon and sea trout throughout the UK. These are a "must-have" on any serious fishng trip.Lure: Black Fury
Fish Caught: Trout, Sea/Speckled
The black and yellow has long been a favorite with UK fishers in pursuit of large wild brown trout. Increasingly though the Black Fury has been used as a sea trout and salmon lure. I strongly recommend the black and fluorescent red dot combination - it performs well in both low and high water conditions and is especially useful in highly coloured water. In the UK sizes 2 and 3 are most popular with the 4 reserved for faster waters. The 0 and 1 are used principally used as surface lures with the rod held high the lure is allowed to swing around in the current.Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Fish Caught: Pike, Northern
You should seriously put pike on that chart, because plain Aglias catch big northerns like nobody's business!Lure: Trouter Kit - #0 and #1 Aglia Assortment
Fish Caught: Trout, Brown
I purchased the product on an early Saturday morning in late April. I hit the brook at 8 am and by 8:30 I had two great looking browns in my creel. I figured I had enough fish for a healthy lunch, but decided to stay on the banks while the fishing was good, and the black flies not so bountiful. Need- less to say, by 10 am I had my limit, and was off to invite my father down for a nice fresh lunch. This is a great selection of lures for the avid fisherman. The multiple of colors and weights make it easy for selection, and the weighting through the components works for a great and true spin in the lures appearance.