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2021 - June Testimonials

Richard – Lake Erie, Rockwood, Michigan

Lure: Double Blade Aglia

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Bass, White - Catfish, Channel - Pike, Northern

I'm just honestly thankful these products exist. Just had one of my best days ever trying out new Double Bladed Mepps spoon/spinner, absolutely killed the largemouth. Caught some pike, small mouth and a totally unintentional channel catfish. Just turned my buddy onto these too, he wasn't having any bites and after I reeled 3 in he walked over and went through my bag for one and started landing them. Made for some awesome photos and an awesome day. Can't say enough good things about Mepps products without sounding like I'm getting paid to write this. When the fishing gets tough, I'll always carry a Mepps spoon/spinner and slap it on and can almost guarantee something. Mepps Aglia 5 treble hook single/double blades will get just about anythings attention and get you on some fish. Great lures.

Jeremy Bock – Coffenbury Lake, Hammond, Oregon

Lure: Magnum Aglia

Fish Caught: Trout, Rainbow

Third cast, 6 feet deep. Rainbow hit!

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