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2024 - January Testimonials

William Anderson – Private Pond In My Back Yard, North Carolina

Lure: Little Wolf

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth

I headed down to my pond, (about 100'x100'), today and was going to use a spinnerbait but had fished one recently without success so I tied on a Little Wolf 2/5 oz Spoon. I figured it would be as visible as a spinnerbait in the dirty water following a hard rain and not be something the bass had seen before. Second cast I catch a 2 pounder. I should note here that these fish are extremely hard to catch because I fish it so often.
They will be very shallow on sunny days in the winter because that's where the warmest water is and if the water is dirty it's also where the visibility is best so they can feed.

Charles And Jeanine Keevert – Cheney Lake Kansas, Kansas

Lure: Black Fury

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Striped - Bass, White - Walleye

We bought our first Black Fury in 1960. After that we have bought lots of Mepps exclusive.
All we have in our tackle box are Mepps!

Matt Whitegiver – Downeast, Maine

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Bass, Smallmouth - Perch, White - Salmon, Atlantic - Trout, Brook - Trout, Lake

I am a Master Maine guide and I own/operate Eagle Mountain Guide Service here in Downeast Maine & I love my Mepps.
  Prior to ice out every year, I'm on the Mepps website building the lures I want for the upcoming season and get my order in.
 Late Spring until the water reaches a certain temp, my sports are casting into the rocky shorelines with Mepps Aglias (Dressed and undressed).                                                It is my favorite time of the Smallmouth season. Slowly working rocky shorelines while my sports cast as close to shore as they can, all the while warning them not to get stuck in the rocks or trees. You have to get it moving the second it hits the water I tell them. Some master it, some don't. Those that don't and lose a lure or 2, wind up with a cheap Chinese spinner the rest of the day. Did I mention I love my Mepps?  Once the big Bass leave the shores for deeper water, I turn to the XD Aglia for a spell. A great lure to extend the spinner fishing a bit until it's time for top water lures and deep diving crank baits.Gotta love a Mepps...

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