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Denmark Testimonials

Gabriele – South Copenhagen Denmark

Lure: Aglia Bait Series

Fish Caught: Pike, Northern

I bought Mepps Aglia XL (Size 7) Tiger and red/white version of it in the internet. I constantly catch pikes on the size between 80 cm and 100 cm and have lost bigger ones. Really a nice product and the pike aggressively attack this lure in a magnificent series of attacks. Unfortunate that this series is not on the website anymore plus available in the "Comet" version (silver+red spots) as it is a really effective lure.
With Mepps silver with red dots (Comet) #5 I catch regularly pikes of all sizes and there is no one day that I do not catch, even for a short passing by of 1 hour.

Jimmi Olesen – Knagsborg Creek Denmark

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Trout, Brown

Catch Big browntrouts

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