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2007 - September Testimonials

Thomas Novobilski – Chenango River & Susquahana River, Binghamton , New York

Lure: Giant Killer

Fish Caught: Musky

I been fishing for musky's on and off for about a year now. I recently used your Mepps Giant Killer Bucktail for the first time and boated my first two muskies. First one was a 38 inch from the Chenago River and second was a 41 inch from the Susquahana River, both within about a week of each other. Your lure enabled me to catch the "1 in a 1000 cast fish" faster then I ever thought possible. Your lures will be always be a part of my fishing tackle when heading out to "Hunt for Musky". Thanks for making a Great Product.


Ted Najzer – Trail Creek, Indiana

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Salmon, Coho (silver)

Well I've got to say that #3 Mepps spinners are the best for Coho Salmon here in Indiana. Anytime I'm out on the water I'm gonna be catching lots of Coho's as long as I have my Mepps. I like using single hooks for 3 reasons. One is they won't foul hook the other fish in the pool that easy. Two you can fish log jams and not snag up as easy. Three, once you get a good hook-set the spinner is not going get out of the fish that easy. Many different colors that work great for these fish. It all depends on water temp, water color & water levels. For example, if the weather has been cool with alot of rain, use #3 gold blades because the water will be high and muddy. There are many different kinds of gold blades to use. I find that "See Best" spinners with gold blades are great, as well as Aglia gold with "Red/White". Even some of the hot colored spinners are good in these conditions. Because the "Hot Firetiger" has gold on the back of the blade.

Now when the water is high and muddy look for areas with fast current and etc. Go to a deep pool, stand at the front of the pool where the most current is, cast your spinner to the back of the pool, and let the current do most of the work for you. Yes you will have to reel the spinner in, but it should be at the point where the spinner is almost ready to stop spinning. This gives the fish alot of time to decide if he or she wants to hit it or not. Most of the time they will go for it. But always keep your tip down to the water so the spinner stays down deep. Also you will get alot of very soft hits useing this tip. Always be ready to set the hook at all times. I've lost many fish due to short soft strikes.

Most important make sure when you get to the end of your cast that you keep it in the water as much as you can before you pull the spinner out for your next cast. Coho for some reason like to watch what they are going after for while before they actually hit it. 9 times out of 10 they will hit right before the spinner comes out of the water. I have even had them try to jump out and grap my spinner before. If you do this you might even get to watch the fish hit the spinner before you even feel the fish hit. That give you a perfect hook set if you time it out correct. Nothing thrills me more than watching the fish nail the spinner. Hope this helps you out in the furture.

Good fishing,

~Ted (Meppsman)

Sue Zdroik – Lake Vermilion, Illinois

Lure: Black Fury

Fish Caught: Pike, Northern

I used this lure the last time I went to the was the only lure that produced alot of northerns. Whenever fishing is slow I can count on this lure to pull through for me. All the Black Fury's are good producers. My favorite is the chartreuse dots and the white dots. I have also caught a good number of bass on Black Fury's...CANT GO WRONG with this lure.

Alex Retzloff – Adirondacks, New York

Lure: Little Wolf

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Trout, Brook

This is the best spoon ever! Everything about it is first class; its side-to-side up-down wobble, its bright flash after bright flash, its ability to keep wobbling even when you troll it really slow. I have caught big largemouth bass and smallmouth bass on it in lakes and ponds and I've caught nice brookies on it in small streams. It's versatile and best of all it catches fish whereever you throw it. Thanks for making the best spoon ever Mepps!

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