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2009 - May Testimonials

Matthew – Toronto, Ontario, Ontario , Canada

Lure: Syclops

Fish Caught: Musky - Pike, Northern

I have had great success with your Syclops lures, particularly in the hot orange colour.

I was trolling with some friends in mid-May and we landed a muskie just under 12 lbs on a #3 hot orange Syclops.

This is my first muskie and I have caught many pike on this lure. I have quite a few lures that have never seen a fish (some non-Mepps spoons among them), but for sure I have landed more fish on a Syclops than any other. It is my go-to lure. Since the hot orange is painted rather than plated I need to replace it now and then due to all the teeth marks!

I find that I can cast them very far as well making them good for both trolling and casting.

Thanks and keep up the great work.

Bryon – Warren, Michigan

Lure: Aglia Ultra Lites

Fish Caught: Trout, Brown - Trout, Rainbow

This is the best spinner Mepps makes in my experience. I've been out more than once with a lot of people fishing an area and not getting much of anything while I'm getting trout to at least hit on every cast with these. I like all three colors(Silver, Gold and Copper) be sure to change it up often. These are a great trout lure, one of my best without a doubt but they also catch some BIG bass and panfish. Not to mention I've had good size northern pike go after these as well. All in all an awesome lure for any ultra lite fisherman and that's why I always have 5 of every color in my box.

Bryon – Warren, Michigan

Lure: XD

Fish Caught: Trout, Brook - Trout, Brown - Trout, Rainbow

I like using the number 0 XD when I need a bit of extra weight and need a spinner to run a little deeper than the Ultra Lite Series. A great bait in small streams and from shore for just about any kind of trout, but bass and panfish also love these little spinners. Silver/Black and Gold/Black are my two favorite colors. Something I love about these is how slow you can fish them and the blade keeps moving. If your a serious trout fisherman do yourself a favor and get some of these.

Damon Severson – Black River, Wisconsin , United States Minor Outlying Islands

Lure: Aglia Marabou

Fish Caught: Bass, Smallmouth

This bait I use for aggressive smallmouth, they hammer it in rapids. This is a great bass lure!

Mike Busby – Ray Roberts Resev, Texas

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth

I have been using Mepps Algia spinner baits for over thirty years. Now that I can get them in #5's, I have been catching more quality (4-6 lbs) largemouth bass then ever. Great lure, easy to use, and very effective.

Gavin – Boyne Valley River, Trim Ireland


Fish Caught: Perch, Yellow

This product is great! I caught massive perch!! It was 5 lb! Its amazing to think a nine year old could do that with this product! Definitly worth the buy!

Paul Lynch – Sleepy Hollow Lake New York, New York

Lure: DeepRunner

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth

I'm from Ireland and recently visited the beautiful country of the USA! I fished the freshwater lake with this incredible lure! I experienced first hand the awesome power and fight of the largemouth! I managed to land a double figure and many others that week thanks to this great lure! I highly recommend it to beginners and experienced anglers alike!

Alex Retzloff – Adirondacks, New York

Lure: DeepRunner

Fish Caught: Pike, Northern - Trout, Brown

I got this lure as a freebie from Mepps when I bought a large order of their lures. I wasn't quite sure that I would like them, because I usually use lighter lures, but they were free so the price was right. I took them out fishing at one of the nearby lakes and first cast, I caught a nice Great Northern. I then took them out to a favorite trout fishing spot under a big water fall; the water was deep and fast, and I ended up catching a 14 inch wild brown trout. This is really a quality lure and, now, one of my go-to lures in my tackle box.

Matt Corliss – Charlotte, Michigan

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Musky - Trout, Brook - Trout, Rainbow

These are by far my favorite type of lures. I have caught many types of fish using these. I have caught musky, Large and smallmouth bass, Rainbow and brook trout all on a gold #3 brown dressed.

Bryon – Warren, Michigan

Lure: Aglia Ultra Lites

Fish Caught: Trout, Rainbow

I absolutely love these for stream trout. Silver, Copper or Gold are all great and I keep at least half a dozen of each in my box at all times. Without a doubt my go-to spinner in streams. In faster or deeper water, I add a split shot about a foot from the spinner to keep the lure down deeper and I always fish it S-L-O-W. I prefer the single hook because I do a lot of C&R fishing and the single hook does less damage to the fish. As an added bonus they don't snag as easy as the trebles.

Micheal Losty – The River Boyne Trim Ireland

Lure: LongCast

Fish Caught: Salmon, Atlantic

I love this product it is so good I caught my first ever salmon as I am only 15 defintely worth a buy.

Michael – The Boyne Co. Meath Irekand Ireland

Lure: Black Fury

Fish Caught: Trout, Brown

Hi, I am only 15 years old, but, for the 9 years I have been fishing. I know I can always choose Mepps!

My favourite is my Black Fury size 1 and 2 in yellow and black.

The other day as I was trying one of my other spinners on my line that I could catch with, noting (I was using this as I forgot my spinning box and using one of my friends). I called my mom to drop up my Black Fury, second cast in i caught a three pound brown trout, my best catch of the season.

Luc Taillon – Cardinal Lake, Quebec , Canada

Lure: Little Wolf

Fish Caught: Trout, Lake

Dear Mepps,

On Friday May 1st at 19:40 hrs while trolling with a Silver/Chartreuse Mepps Little Wolf treble on Cardinal Lake north of Ottawa, I caught a feisty 5 lbs Lake Trout.
I have to admit that I had been trolling with a Fire Tiger Rapala for almost 2 hours before I switched to the only Little Wolf I have in my tackle box.

Believe me or not, my Mepps Little Wolf had been in the water no more than 4 minutes when my rod started to jerk really hard from my first laker of the year.

By the way, I was fishing with a friend of mine who was trolling with a real smelt on his line, he kept fishing with it but caught nothing all evening.

I landed my 5 lb lake trout and released 2 smallmouth bass because they are not in season yet.

What I REALLY like about the Litte Wolf, it doesn't twist my line AT ALL.
It wobbles without spinning when trolling at a normal speed.

Thanks to the creators of that wonderful lure....I'm hooked.


Luc Taillon

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