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2010 - November Testimonials

Adrian Webb – Wilmot River, Paloona. Tasmania. Australia

Lure: Black Fury

Fish Caught: Trout, Brown

Well once again the Mepps Black Fury has been a real trout taker. Fishing the Wilmot River here in Nthn.Tasmania in overcast & humid conditions and using a #00 Gold Black Fury I had 41 hookups and landed 35 good conditioned Brown trout and did not have to change my spinner,just made sure to keep the treble hooks sharp.All fish were released as well to be caught another day. Mepps really are the greatest.

Austin Davis – East Coast, Vermont

Lure: Aglia Streamer

Fish Caught: Trout, Brook - Trout, Brown

Hi Shep...
Hope you are having a fantastic day. My name is Austin Davis, I am a 27 year old, Chiropractor, who's been fishing since I was 5 and just wanted to write you a quick note to thank you (and Mepps) and to share a story. I am an avid fisherman, Recently I flew from Oakland, Ca. (my new home) to the East Coast (where I was born and raised) to visit friends and Family in CT, NY, RI and VT. Knowing that most of my friends and family live in pretty rural areas, I was excited to bring my fishing rod and do some exploring.
Upon landing I realized that I had not brought any lures, just the rod and reel. As soon as my buddy picked me up in NYC we drove to Eastern Vermont, where he lives (near Hartland, VT) and I made him stop in the first general store we saw. They had about 6 lures and an assortment of I grabbed a Mepps lure, because I had never used one and had heard a lot of good things. It was a single hook spinner, with a gold leaf and the the lure itself looked a bit like a large Marabou Fly ( but tied tighter, with 2 long, thin red feather accents off the top) in a dark green color.
I Really didn't know what to expect from the lure, because it looked like a fly and was a single hook spinner. Let me tell you...this one of the best lures I have ever used. I caught 7 different kinds of fish (no real trophies, but then again I was fishing tiny ponds and creeks the whole time, which was really a lot of fun) in 4 different states. The list is: Rainbow trout, Brook Trout, Perch, Pike, sunfish, chub, and Largemouth Bass. It was literally the only lure I used the entire trip and was able to not get it snagged and if I did it always came free eventually (Ithink that's bc of the single hook design). I have attached some pictures of the fish, I didn't get to photograph all of them.
As a consumer who has used countless different styles and types of lure, I'd really like to thank you for making a truly top quality product, on which I would def use again and again. This trip has converted me to a Mepps Fanatic will definitely be recommending your product to Family, Friends and Patients.

Thanks again,
Austin Davis

David Peck – Montgomery area, Alabama

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

In 1966 I was 13 years old. One day my cousin and I went fishing with some lures we had gotten from our grandfather's tacklebox .

One of those lures was a #2 gold blade mepps agila, the lure that I used. My cousin used something else. We went to an old farm pond on the land we lived on that belonged to a cotton farmer our parents used to work for. As my cousin and I were walking around the pond he spotted a 2 pound largemouth bass that came to the bank and hid in some weeds right at the edge of the bank. My cousin called me and showed where the bass had gone down. I was using an old 33 zebco with ten pound test line on it. I cast that #2 mepps out about 20 feet into pond and brought it right across that bass head and BA-BOOM he came up out of the water with the lure hung in the side of its mouth. I was so excited I did'nt even wind the reel, I just ran backwards and dragged it up on the bank. My very first bass!

Since then the mepps family of lures have been my favorite, and one day I will pass them on to my grandsons

David Peck, Jr.

Fisherman Bob – Atchison County State Fishing Lake, Kansas

Lure: Black Fury

Fish Caught: Catfish, Channel

Every year I catch channel catfish on various Mepps spinners. Catfish bait fisherman can't believe it. One day I got to Atchison SFL early. There was a guy sitting on a picnic table, had been camping. I walked up and caught a nice 5lb channel on my first cast. He walked over to some other campers and said "did you see that guy catch a catfish on his first catch? I've been fishing all night without even a nibble." You never know what fish will hit a Mepps.

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