Lure: Black Fury
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Crappie (Black)
The first time I used a Black Fury Dressed treble, I caught a Largemouth Bass. There have been days when this is the only lure that has produced. A #3 Flourescent Orange and #4 Yellow have been equally successful. To my surprise, I landed an 11 inch, 1+ pound Black Crappie using a #4 Yellow Black Fury. I had no clue that such large Crappie were in this pond.Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Fish Caught: Trout, Rainbow
The #0 Aglia plain treble is one of the best lures money can buy with the rainbow trout blade. I have caught bluegill, sunfish and bass one day on the water with my brand new copper #0 Aglia. I casted out to catch some of the big bluegill at Mantua Reservoir. I casted 3 or 4 times and all of a sudden my drag started going and I felt a thousand puonds on the end of my line. I got it closer to shore and I saw it was a gigantic rainbow 17.5 inches long 2.5 to 3 pounds....great catch for a brand new lure. Thanks Mepps, keep up the good work!Lure: Little Wolf
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth
Bought two 1/8 oz Mepps Little Wolf spoons, because I am a big fan of spoon fishing and was getting ready for a good trout season. I took this to my local lake to try out. Yesterday, I caught a few bream, and one 11 inch bass, no big deal. Today, I took out a friend to give him a fishing experence, and, this little spoon earned its place in my box. I pulled 8 fish, only one small bream, and the rest bass. The big fish for the day was 2.7 lbs and was taken on the gold and red version of the Little Wolf.Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Perch, White - Perch, Yellow - Pickerel - Pike, Northern
There are some days when we will fish with only one lure, and that is, the #5 Aglia dressed white with a silver blade. On every trip to Maine, we stop at Cabela's and buy as many as they have because we know they will be beaten to a pulp.Lure: Black Fury
Fish Caught: Musky
I am 13 years old, and I was fishing with my uncle and dad in Wisconsin. For almost the whole trip, I was fishing the Mepps Black Fury Killer Combo number 4. I was catching a lot of small nothern pike. Then, I cast and hooked into a once in a life time musky. It was 46 inches long. I am glad that I was using the Black Fury and will be telling my friends about my catch and lure that made it happen. Awesome!Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Fish Caught: Trout, Lake
I was using an Aglia BOST 1/12 S-G Mepps made for me. I netted a 14in big fat Lake trout with it. I have also caught many, many fish on this special lure. It's one of my favorite lures, and I can't thank Mepps enough. Mepps 1/12 Aglia is one of the best lures out there.Lure: Thunder Bug
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Carp - Catfish, Channel - Crappie (Black)
These lures work! Ive never had a catfish hit harder then they do with these. Cast them toward cover and let them settle before you reel. If the fish are feeding its a guaranteed strike.Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Pike, Northern
All I have to say is dang! It seems to me that my white Mepps is one of the greatest lures in my tackle box, it hasn't failed me yet, I consistently catch some great northerns on it, when all else fails, my Mepps doesn't let me down, it kills me inside anytime I lose one, this is by far one of my favorite lures, hands down one of the greatest ever made in my opinion.Lure: Aglia BRITE
Fish Caught: Pike, Northern
I caught this 33 in. and 12lbs. Northern Pike in a creek.Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Fish Caught: Bass, Smallmouth - Perch, Yellow - Trout, Brook
I've been using my size 1 Aglia dressed treble for two days, and have already landed 6 fish with it! This lure is amazing, I would highly recommend it to anyone, and it's the first thing I go to now!