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2011 - August Testimonials

Alan R. Smith – Washago Pond, Willow Metropark, Michigan

Lure: Black Fury

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Crappie (Black)

The first time I used a Black Fury Dressed treble, I caught a Largemouth Bass. There have been days when this is the only lure that has produced. A #3 Flourescent Orange and #4 Yellow have been equally successful. To my surprise, I landed an 11 inch, 1+ pound Black Crappie using a #4 Yellow Black Fury. I had no clue that such large Crappie were in this pond.

Puck – Mantua Reservoir, Utah

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Trout, Rainbow

The #0 Aglia plain treble is one of the best lures money can buy with the rainbow trout blade. I have caught bluegill, sunfish and bass one day on the water with my brand new copper #0 Aglia. I casted out to catch some of the big bluegill at Mantua Reservoir. I casted 3 or 4 times and all of a sudden my drag started going and I felt a thousand puonds on the end of my line. I got it closer to shore and I saw it was a gigantic rainbow 17.5 inches long 2.5 to 3 pounds....great catch for a brand new lure. Thanks Mepps, keep up the good work!

John Cambis – Five Lakes , Connecticut

Lure: Little Wolf

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth

Bought two 1/8 oz Mepps Little Wolf spoons, because I am a big fan of spoon fishing and was getting ready for a good trout season. I took this to my local lake to try out. Yesterday, I caught a few bream, and one 11 inch bass, no big deal. Today, I took out a friend to give him a fishing experence, and, this little spoon earned its place in my box. I pulled 8 fish, only one small bream, and the rest bass. The big fish for the day was 2.7 lbs and was taken on the gold and red version of the Little Wolf.

Mark W. Emmith – Central Maine, Maine

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Perch, White - Perch, Yellow - Pickerel - Pike, Northern

There are some days when we will fish with only one lure, and that is, the #5 Aglia dressed white with a silver blade. On every trip to Maine, we stop at Cabela's and buy as many as they have because we know they will be beaten to a pulp.
They are attacked by pickerel, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass and northern pike. It is a phenomenal lure and will oftentimes save a trip from being blah. Thanks MEPPS!

John Wagner – Phillips Chain Of Lakes, Phillips, Wisconsin

Lure: Black Fury

Fish Caught: Musky

I am 13 years old, and I was fishing with my uncle and dad in Wisconsin. For almost the whole trip, I was fishing the Mepps Black Fury Killer Combo number 4. I was catching a lot of small nothern pike. Then, I cast and hooked into a once in a life time musky. It was 46 inches long. I am glad that I was using the Black Fury and will be telling my friends about my catch and lure that made it happen. Awesome!

Gary Abarr – San Gregorio Lake, New Mexico

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Trout, Lake

I was using an Aglia BOST 1/12 S-G Mepps made for me. I netted a 14in big fat Lake trout with it. I have also caught many, many fish on this special lure. It's one of my favorite lures, and I can't thank Mepps enough. Mepps 1/12 Aglia is one of the best lures out there.

Tj Marks – Brashears Creek Spencer County , Kentucky

Lure: Thunder Bug

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Carp - Catfish, Channel - Crappie (Black)

These lures work! Ive never had a catfish hit harder then they do with these. Cast them toward cover and let them settle before you reel. If the fish are feeding its a guaranteed strike.

Matt Kiekintveld – Pickeral Lake, Newago, Michigan

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Pike, Northern

All I have to say is dang! It seems to me that my white Mepps is one of the greatest lures in my tackle box, it hasn't failed me yet, I consistently catch some great northerns on it, when all else fails, my Mepps doesn't let me down, it kills me inside anytime I lose one, this is by far one of my favorite lures, hands down one of the greatest ever made in my opinion.

Ryan Running Wolf – Southfork Milk Rover, Browning, Montana, Montana

Lure: Aglia BRITE

Fish Caught: Pike, Northern

I caught this 33 in. and 12lbs. Northern Pike in a creek.

Julian – Presumpscot River, Westbrook, Maine

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Bass, Smallmouth - Perch, Yellow - Trout, Brook

I've been using my size 1 Aglia dressed treble for two days, and have already landed 6 fish with it! This lure is amazing, I would highly recommend it to anyone, and it's the first thing I go to now!

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