Lure: Thunder Bug
Fish Caught: Trout, Brown
I have caught and landed many awesome trout using Mepps lures. A very memorable 6lb brown trout that I caught, landed & released using a white Mepps Thunder Bug. This has thankfully given me memories that will never get away. I use all of the colours of the Thunder Bug range though out the year & here in New Zealand we are lucky that most of our streams, rivers & lakes allow us to use these lures. For me being new to the sport of fishing, the Mepps Thunder Bugs allow me to match the hatch like a pro & still command the respect from even the most staunch fly fisherman because of the way my fish go back into the water after they were caught on a Mepps...... LOVE MY FISHING.....LOVE MY MEPPS.Lure: Flying C
Fish Caught: Salmon, Quananiche (landlocked)
Bought a Glo Pink Blade/Pink Sleeve Flying C to try to get to the bottom of a deep pool with a very fast current. Caught two huge spawning landlocked salmon in 45 minutes when no one else who was fishing there could get anything down to the fish due to the current. Just purchased a dozen more flying C's. It lives up to it's billing for getting deep and both salmon committed to crushing this lure. Awesome.