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Mepps Kits Testimonials

Thomas McKinney – Ceylon Lagoon, Wisconsin

Lure: Basser & Panfisher Kit - Dressed Lure Assortment

Fish Caught: Pike, Northern

Casted for over an hour and half with nothing, first cast with a Mepps Black Fury #5 and land a Pike. In Mepps we trust.

Tim Fox – Yellowstone Nat’l Park And All Over MN & WI, Wisconsin

Lure: Trout Pocket Pac - #0 Aglia Wooly Worm

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Crappie (Black) - Crappie (White) - Perch, Yellow - Pike, Northern - Trout, Brook - Trout, Brown - Trout, Cutthroat - Trout, Rainbow - Walleye

This trio is extremely effective for a diverse range of fresh water fish. I’ve recently caught multi species of trout in Yellowstone NP with these in size 0 and 1. Black Fury also effective. Prefer single hook for a variety of reasons. A great Go To lure of mine for many decades…especially for shore, wader, canoe/kayak fishing rivers, streams, creeks, ponds, and small lakes. One lure I know I can always toss with confidence! (Use thin, lite, line…4-6’ish.)

Jim – Chippewa National Forest, Minnesota

Lure: Piker Kit - Dressed #5 Aglia Assortment

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Bass, Smallmouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Crappie (Black) - Musky - Perch, Yellow - Pike, Northern - Sunfish (shellcracker)

I have used this as a Go To Lure for over 30 plus years.
Guaranteed you will catch fish with this lure, especially with the Silver & Gold plate lures.

Steven Johnson – Creek, California

Lure: Trout Pocket Pac - #0 Aglia Wooly Worm

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Perch, Yellow

I scored three of these to fish a local creek. We were not catching anything until I tied one of these on. I made my first cast and reveled on how cool they look in the water. My second cast I scored a Large Mouth Bass! My friend decided to tie one on as I caught Bass #2 and #3. He also caught a Bass on his second cast. We slayed (followed by releasing) a dozen more Bass and Bluegills before the Sun went down. I will be buying lots more of these! The single hook is great! Hits were always hook ups!

Jeff Mazzenga – Lake St.Clair, Michigan

Lure: Panfish Pocket Pac - #0 Aglia Dressed

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Bass, White - Musky - Pike, Northern

Black Fury #3 Hot Firetiger with chartreuse dressing is my go to lure! Whenever I need to pick just one lure to have on me at all times that is it. No matter what time of day or night I have had great success. From Northerns and Musky to Bass and even perch.

Robert Reeder – Any Where, Indiana

Lure: Basser Kit - #2 and #3 Aglia Assortment

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Bass, Smallmouth - Bass, Striped - Bass, White - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Catfish, Blue - Catfish, Channel - Crappie (Black) - Crappie (White) - Pike, Northern - Salmon, Coho (silver) - Steelhead - Trout, Brook - Trout, Brown - Walleye - Salmon, Chinook (king)

Best Lure ever
If you dont have a Mepps Spinner might as well stay home
I have using them for over 40 years

Eric D Silva – Mount Juliet, Old Hickory Lake, Tennessee

Lure: Basser Kit - Plain Lure Assortment

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Bass, Striped - Crappie (Black)

I'm a 26 year old kayak angler. My dock is in my backyard on Old Hickory Lake. I'm a bass man and so is my 7 year old son...

Don Nelson – Coffee County Lake, Kansas

Lure: Bass Pocket Pac - #3 XD Dressed

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Bass, Smallmouth - Bass, Striped - Bass, White - Crappie (Black) - Crappie (White) - Perch, White - Walleye

I have been trolling spinners and crankbaits for 30 years. I have tried every spinner on the market. For 2 years I fished the pro bass circuit in the 70s. I fish at least 2 days a week. When you are tolling there is absoleutly nothing that will catch as many fish as the Mepps XD spinners. You need to use a ball bearing swivel and 10lb braid line or 8lb monofilament line. Saturday my son and I went fishing and caught one 5lb Walleye, 3 crappie over 12" and 19 white bass on these Mepps XD spinners. We also caught 12 hybrids that were an average of 2 lbs. And, we threw back 6 crappies over 11" long. The Mepps XD is the most reliable bait you can use while casting or trolling.

Will – Golf Course Pond, Columbia , South Carolina

Lure: Basser Kit - Dressed Lure Assortment

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth

When I was fishing this afternoon. I had tried all of my regular lures and had only one small catch. I decided to try some of my new lures(these) and within five casts I had a nice bass on. I caught five bass total with these lures alone in two hours. Great lures

Adrian Webb – Meander, Mersey, Dasher, Minnow Rivers. Tasmania. Australia

Lure: Ultra Lite Kit - #00 and #0 Lure Assortment

Fish Caught: Trout, Brown - Trout, Rainbow

'' THE 2012 – 2013 TROUT SEASON REPORT 30-4-13
** Mersey River in all I had 42 trips for a catch of 124 browns and 50 rainbows. All fish were in excellent condition. Quite a lot of small fish were in the catch.
**Meander River in all there were 19 trips for a catch of 166 browns and only 2 rainbows.
The fish taken here were mainly small, the best brown taken being a 1.3 kg brown. That was released as were the majority of the fish caught. Fish were all well conditioned.
**Leven River only had three trips here for a total catch of only 6 browns. Must have been here at the wrong time as this river was a real let down this season, and it wasn't much better last season either.
**Dasher River in four trips a very low catch of only 13 browns were caught and released. Kept my trips down here because of very low water levels and the lack of fish in the river.
**Minnow River another disappointing four trips and a total of 3 browns caught and released. Low water and lack of fish here also kept me to only the three trips to this struggling river.
** Western Ck two trips here produced 5 well conditioned browns. The two trips here early in the season did produce quality fish while the water level was at a medium height.
** Cockatoo Dam just happened to be passing buy it and decided to flick a Mepps Black Fury in it an was lucky enough to catch and release a nice solid brown from this very small piece of water.
'' Only around 8 % of fish caught were kept for a feed.''
** 98% of the fish were caught on Mepps Black Fury, Bug, Aglia & Comet metal blade spinners **
** In 75 trips to the above rivers I caught a total of 318 Brown Trout and 52 Rainbow Trout for the season. Thanks to Mepps for the great products that you produce and that's why you are the Manufacture of the '' Worlds #1 lure.
Adrian Webb

Brandon – Lake Tillery, North Carolina

Lure: Basser Kit - Dressed #3 Aglia Assortment

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth

Mepps Aglia Dressed and Black Fury absolutely make Bass strike. As a Tournament Angler, I travel lake to lake and Mepps are my go to Lures, if one color doesn't work switch up the color, and I land a Bass soon after.

Bo Norris – Oneida Creek, Sherrill, New York

Lure: Bass Pocket Pac - #3 Aglia Plain

Fish Caught: Barracuda

I couldn't fing it but the Mepps Hot Firetiger is the greatest lure ever. I went fishing for chub and it attracts them like crazy definitley buy a Mepps Hot Firetiger 0!!!!!!

Michael Bailey – Schroon River, New York

Lure: Trouter Kit - Dressed #0 Lure Assortment

Fish Caught: Trout, Rainbow

I caught at least two dozen rainbows in about an hour. Best Mepps lures ever in my opinion!

Cody Hensley – Private Lake In Calhoun, Georgia

Lure: Basser Kit - Dressed #3 Aglia Assortment

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth

Mepps is the only lure of its type that I will use. The number #1 lure I grab for in my tackle box is always a Mepps spinner. I own over 40 products from Mepps and I can tell you from experience you can never go wrong with fishing 1 of these.

Rasoul Mahmoudi – Gahar Lake Iran

Lure: Trouter Kit - #0 and #1 Aglia Assortment

Fish Caught: Trout, Brown

I like the large lure selection.

Aidan Dahm – Seven Mile Creek, Ohio

Lure: Panfish Pocket Pac - Aglia BRITE

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth

I've used many lures but the Mepps spinners are the best by far. I've caught a five pound largemouth bass, a seven pound grass carp, and a ten pound channel catfish. Mepps rule!!!

Joshua Best – Lake Columbia, Portage, Wisconsin

Lure: Ultra Lite Kit - #00 and #0 Lure Assortment

Fish Caught: Bluegill (Bream, Brim)

Nothing like buying the kit and first cast catching a fish. In fact used 3 different lures in the kit and caught fish on all three tried. In 3 hours went fish for fish against 2 people using worms and bobbers and majority of my fish caught were bigger. Cant wait to keep using this kit and get more kits for various species of fish.

Brandon Vanskyock – Geneva Lake, Indiana

Lure: Mike's Choice for Bass

Fish Caught: Bass, Smallmouth

Use this its perfect and good for the fish and it wont hurt them. Maybe in a while you'll be reeling in a big one!

William S. Gray – Bull Pasture River, Deerfield,Va., Virginia

Lure: Trouter Kit - Plain and Dressed Lure Assortment

Fish Caught: Trout, Rainbow

I was invited to go fishing at a private hunt club about 20 miles outside of Deerfield,VA. All I kept hearing was how I was going to need to buy a minnow bucket and pick up a mess of them along the way. I didn't really have the means of carrying them. My truck was broke down and I was actually driving my 1969 Chevelle station wagon. Not the ideal fishing vehicle, but, if I wanted to go, it was all I had at the time.
A couple days before we left I decided I was going strictly artificial baits. I was laughed first. I stopped one afternoon at Bass Pro Shops and spent some time going through what I thought would be some good trout lures. Some I had used before and some new. I saw a section with the Mepps Trouter Kits and I picked out what I thought was the best one and went on my way. That was the best decision I made the whole trip. I say that because the decision to take the Chevelle was "not" a good one at all. Just on the outskirts of Deerfield the motor locked up in the old Chevy and I had to transfer everything into a friend's truck and head out...again.
Once we got there and got settled in for the night I was reminded about how well the minnows worked up here, so I picked out what looked as good as any minnow in the water and waited t'll morning to test my theory. On my very first cast I had a 16" rainbow, second cast a 14" third cast another 16" that went on for about 20 minutes. I had caught my limit.
I was catching 3 fish to everyone elses one. I was stunned, everywhere I went up and down that river it was the same until the middle of the 2nd day something big enough to swim upstream at about 100 mph snapped my line and swam off with the "magic lure". That one lure was tied and retied on three different rod and reel combos for a day and a half and never once stopped spinning correctly or gave any trouble. It was a mepps X-D dressed S-S with a white buck tail skirt. Though, that trip cost me over $4000, that $4 lure made it all worth it. I'd lock up two engines to fish like that again."Thanks Mepps" William S. Gray Newport News,VA.

Charles Keevert – Hutchinson, Kansas

Lure: Mike's Choice for Bass

I've been hooked on Mepps Spinners since the early 1960's with a #3 Black Fury. That day was wonderful, and now, I won't buy anything but Mepps Spinners. Shep I thank you for the best spinner in the world ------- Charles Keevert

billy – kport, Maine

Lure: Bass Pocket Pac - #3 XD Dressed

Fish Caught: Bass, Smallmouth - Pike, Northern

I bought a Pocket Pack of Mepps XD's and headed for the river. I was out-fishing my friend in no time. I had caught 1 northern pike, 3 smallmouth bass, and a large unexpected salmon all in under an hour. I just went out the other day and bought another Pocket Pack because they work so good.

Greg – Memphis, Tennessee

Lure: Mike's Choice for Trout

Fish Caught: Bass, Smallmouth - Trout, Brook - Trout, Brown - Trout, Rainbow

I really like the XD for trout and smallmouth.I have caught the most fish on the dressed rainbow color.The XD is tops in my book.

David Jeon – Montgomery, New Jersey

Lure: Trouter Kit - Plain and Dressed Lure Assortment

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Trout, Brook

Great buy! I have caught an uncountable amount of panfish, bass, and trout with the trouter kit, including a 2-1/2 lb. bluegill! My favorite lure in the pack is the Aglia Long or Thunder Bug. I highly recommend this kit!

George – Boca Raton, Florida

Lure: Panfisher Kit - Plain Lure Assortment

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim)

When I recently got the Panfisher Kit, I couldn't wait to tie one on and give it a try in the golf course lake behind my house. Within two hours, my daughter and I had landed (and released) about 30 fish, including Bluegills, Mayan Cichlids, Tilapia, Largemouth Bass and even a Catfish. We've been hooked up non-stop ever since. Thanks Mepps.

David Mallows – Milford, New Hampshire

Lure: Trouter Kit - #0 and #1 Aglia Assortment

Fish Caught: Trout, Brown

I purchased the product on an early Saturday morning in late April. I hit the brook at 8 am and by 8:30 I had two great looking browns in my creel. I figured I had enough fish for a healthy lunch, but decided to stay on the banks while the fishing was good, and the black flies not so bountiful. Need- less to say, by 10 am I had my limit, and was off to invite my father down for a nice fresh lunch. This is a great selection of lures for the avid fisherman. The multiple of colors and weights make it easy for selection, and the weighting through the components works for a great and true spin in the lures appearance.

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