Lure: Musky Killer
Fish Caught: Bass, Striped
While on a pier one evening plugging, trying everything in my tackle box(I always use Mepps spinners in freshwater with much success), I pulled out a #5 Musky spinner with dressed treble which I felt confident with. The third cast had a hard hit, fish tore off 20 yards of line, I fought the fish for 10 minutes, to my surprise when I saw it was a striper 33" long. Great night.Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Pike, Northern
In about 2 hours, me and a friend landed 8 pike and 4 bass with a number 5 Aglia. Great lure around docks.Lure: Thunder Bug
Fish Caught: Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Catfish, Channel
I used a Mepps Thunder Bug 00 Cricket color to catch 8 bluegill and 1 channel catfish. This was the best day I have ever had using an artificial lure. I tried several other Mepps Thunder Bugs in different colors, but came up empty. This 00 size allowed me to fish close to structure without hanging up in it. I will be buying more Thunder Bugs in the future. Awesome lure!Lure: Bass Pocket Pac - #3 Aglia Plain
Fish Caught: Barracuda
I couldn't fing it but the Mepps Hot Firetiger is the greatest lure ever. I went fishing for chub and it attracts them like crazy definitley buy a Mepps Hot Firetiger 0!!!!!!Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Bass, Smallmouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Perch, Yellow - Pickerel - Pike, Northern
If it swims this lure will catch it!Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Musky - Pike, Northern - Walleye
Yep, these lures catch about almost anything and everything. Size of what a Mepps can catch that is alive, ranges from minnows to children and everything in between (in my father's case that is). When you put on a Mepps Aglia it feels like you're cheating in the fishing world, it's just that damn good. Anyways the colors my family have used and been successful on are: orange painted with either the black or grey tail, the Brown Trout with a grey tail, the Rainbow Trout paint with white or grey tail, silver blade and white tail, hot pink paint and black tail with a red feather down the middle. Really every single one of the colors works, if the color you have isn't working, keep switching to a different color until you find one that works. To cut down your searching time, ask other people at the dock or on the lake fishing what color they have been catching fish on, or go by how dark or light it is outside. Dark colors on a dark day and bright colors on a bright day. Oh, and we use size #'s 3,4,5,and Musky Killers.Lure: Black Fury
Fish Caught: Trout, Brown - Trout, Rainbow
Well the 2010-11 season has finally come to an end here in Tasmania, and with above average rainfall that we had over the last 9 months it was reasonably good.The Mepps Black Fury in all colours worked great every time I used them as did the Aglia, Thunder Bug & Comet Spinners.We had some major floods in Jan.- Feb.and this helped to clean the rivers of a lot of debri that had built up in most systems.This created some new weed growth and left quite a few logs in most rivers as well giving the fish a bit of cover.Most of the rivers had well conditioned Browns & Rainbows and the Mepps Spinners caught a