Lure: Thunder Bug
Fish Caught: Trout, Rainbow
This was my first spinner I ever got....Lure: Flying C
Fish Caught: Salmon, Coho (silver)
I bought samples of Flying Cs from Northern Ireland in late 80s or early nineties and introduced them on both rivers in Yakutat. They were an immediate success!Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Fish Caught: Salmon, Coho (silver)
The power of this small simple lure is amazing. In a low and clear stream, the #0 with silver blade was perfect for presentation around snags to fish that otherwise would be spooked by larger lures. With this one lure, we caught native Grayling and Rainbow Trout as well as the smaller Silver Salmon that ran up the stream. I never had to change my lure for the entire week unless I lost one on a snag.Lure: Flying C
Fish Caught: Salmon, Coho (silver)
I purchased (2) 6 packs of lures thru the internet from Mepps for Christmas this past year after spending 6 days on the Sound at Valdez.We were there in August and limited out every day using our Mepps.Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia
Fish Caught: Salmon, Coho (silver)
In 2011, this will be my 5th trip back to the Nushagak River in Alaska. The silver Salmon fishing is fantastic. One can easily catch 20 to 30 Silvers every day. Hot pink and orange in #4 and #5 always work the best with hot chartreuse as a back up. As a plus, there is always plenty of wild game and beautiful scenery to admire and enjoy. Randy MorrisLure: LongCast
Fish Caught: Grayling - Salmon, Chum - Salmon, Sockeye (red) - Trout, Dolly Varden - Trout, Rainbow
This Lure will work! I went on a Fly fishing trip with Spinning Rods only! The other Guys on the trip looked cool casting their Fly rods, but they couldn't keep up with the lures I bought from Mepps! I caught many species with this Lure, Thanks Mepps!Lure: Giant Killer
Fish Caught: Salmon, Coho (silver)
I caught several big silvers with an orange Giant Killer over Labor Day Weekend. My wife and father used several other lures with minimal success, but the Giant Killer produced fish after fish.Lure: Flying C
Fish Caught: Salmon, Coho (silver) - Salmon, Pink
Two years ago my brother and I went To Alaska to do some salmon fishing for the first time. I wasn't sure what to use, so I read many articles on good lures and spinners. Well, I took a whole arsenal of tackle with me. After trying many things, I tied on an orange Flying-C with a gold blade and I hooked onto a silver salmon right away. My brother put one on and hooked one right away himself. Other fisherman were around, but we were the only ones catching anything. Everyone was asking what we were using everyday. The owner of the lodge we were staying at had never seen one before. Now, he has them in his lodge for sale. This is the third year in a row we are going back to Alaska, but the Flying C is the only lure we take with us. These spinners cast great so I can cover a lot of area. I used a number of colors, but the orange is a must with either a gold or silver blade.Lure: Syclops
Fish Caught: Grayling - Pike, Northern - Salmon, Atlantic - Salmon, Coho (silver) - Salmon, Kokanee - Salmon, Pink - Trout, Dolly Varden - Trout, Lake - Trout, Rainbow - Salmon, Chinook (king)
In the annual Soldotna Trustworthy Ice Fishing Derby, which covers the lakes on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula, I caught a "Strait Flush" (char, kokanee, lake trout, rainbow and pike) using the #1 Mepps Syclops in Hot Orange. It also caught the largest grayling on the #1. In fact, it was the exact same lure! (I never lost it) I can't say enough about how great this lure is for ice fishing although I catch fish all summer on it as well.Lure: Syclops Lite
Fish Caught: Trout, Rainbow
This lure was bringing trout out from under logs and from around vegetation. They chased it and hit it aggressively. It was the only lure out of my tackle box that was working, and bait wasn't working that day, but this lure was doing extremely well. I'm going to buy extras in case I lose this one.