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Texas Testimonials

Kevin Osina – Bethany Lakes, Allen, Texas

Lure: Thunder Bug

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, White - Bluegill (Bream, Brim)

This lure works like magic. You throw it, they bite!!

David Fairly – Tanks Central Texas, Texas

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Crappie (Black)

I was always a true believer in spoons and live bait. A good friend of mine ask me what I was fishing with and just as I said before. He was knocking the fish out at every cast. Well I guess he felt sorry for me. he gave me a #5 Mepps and the fish never stopped hitting that day and still to this day I am a true believer in this life and consider this to be the world's best lure.

James Caldwell – Texas

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Grayling - Pike, Northern - Salmon, Chum - Salmon, Coho (silver) - Salmon, Pink - Trout, Dolly Varden - Trout, Rainbow - Salmon, Chinook (king)

I've been fishing and guiding on the Nushagak River for 15 years, an undressed Aglia with a Hot Pink blade will draw strikes from just about every species in the river and a #5 is all I want to throw at Coho.

Siouxriver Phelps – Bonham Lake, Texas

Lure: Black Fury

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Catfish, Channel - Crappie (Black) - Crappie (White) - Perch, Yellow

I usually don't catch that much fish, but when I use my Mepps I catch a lot of fish of different species! Best lures in the world no doubt!

Robbie Burns – Lake Fryer, Texas

Lure: Black Fury

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Smallmouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Crappie (Black) - Crappie (White) - Walleye - Barracuda

I bought the lure being a little skeptical seeing not very many reviews or product testing; even on YouTube there wasn't much. I bought the Black Fury in sizes 1,2 and 3. The number 2 & 3 are awesome! It's almost every other cast you'll get something on the Black Fury. The catch was almost 3lbs and I just recently caught an 8lb largemouth. It's an awesome lure and is a fish magnet. A must have for anybody who loves to throw a lure around.

Wyatt Norman – Longview , Texas

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Bass, White

I have been catching lots of white bass and hybrids on Lake Palestine and Cedar Creek Lake. Dennis Christian taught me the technique of using the Mepps #4 Aglia. This man catches 50 to 100 every time he goes fishing and teaches others how to use the mepps Aglia. He is your best salesman for your product. Here is his Youtube video of him catching lots of fish ! (Mepps Technique)

William Jackson – Guadalupe River, Kerrville, Cibilo Creek, Cibilo, Texas

Lure: Comet Mino

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Bass, Smallmouth - Bass, White - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Catfish, Blue - Catfish, Channel - Crappie (Black) - Trout, Brook - Trout, Rainbow

I am 53 and have been fishing Mepps spinners since I was 4 years old from as far north as Fairbanks, Alaska, to as far south as Oakville, Texas. When it seems that nothing is biting, the Mepps Comet Minos sizes 00, 1, 2, or 3, always save the day as do the Aglia with squirrel tails. I saw my father catch Salmon and Grayling on Mepps while I have caught Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth bass, Spotted Bass, Guadalupe Bass, Rainbow Trout, Brook Trout, Green Sunfish, Longear Sunfish, Redear Sunfish, Redspotted Sunfish, Warmmouth, Rock Bass, White and Black Crappie, Blue Catfish, Channel Catfish, and once a silver shad. I have caught panfish barely larger than the lure to Bass over 4 pounds. All the Mepps products are winners. They are fantastic.

Dustin Wyatt – Private Ponds, Streams And Rivers Of Central TX, Texas

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Catfish, Channel

This is the #1 lure that I recommend to family and friends. I have 3 tackle boxes full of lures and I find myself catching so many fish with the dressed Aglia that I don't use anything else other than the occasional worm just to mix things up. I catch bluegill on size 0 and 1 and largemouth on #2-#5. Channel cats will even bite occasionally. The only difference is that bigger lures seem to be attacked more ferociously. Since my wife bought me my first "squirrel tail" with a gold blade in 1999, I have produced more fish than ever before. Now that my kids are old enough to fish, I am just going to go purchase a selection of Mepps lures and use the extra money and time on our fishing adventures. Thanks for the countless memories!

Will Knapp – Corpus Christi Bay , Texas

Lure: Syclops

Fish Caught: Redfish

Others had reported the fishing slow, but, we were soon into an amazing day of fishing. We caught redfish, speckled sea trout, lady fish, flounder and a number of other fish species that I haven't yet identified. All were caught on the gold or silver Syclops saltwater lure. A great product... I will have them next trip and would recommend them to anyone.

Mark Mehrens – San Marcos River, San Marcos, Texas

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Catfish, Channel

I have not caught a catfish in 10 years as I fish for bass, yesterday I caught 8 of them along with a mess of bass. Was one of the best fishing days ever.

Jim Krauss – Ponds & Lake Livingston, Texas

Lure: Black Fury

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Crappie (Black)

I fish ponds & at the lake from shore. I've been fishing from shore all my life. I use the chartreuse blade with chartreuse tail. It's the best bass & craippie lure ever. I use the orange blade & tail on clear days. I use Mepps to find bass & craippie fast, then I go to worms. Keep up the great work Mepps Company.

Danny – Private Pond Brenham , Texas

Lure: Thunder Bug

Fish Caught: Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Catfish, Channel

I used a Mepps Thunder Bug 00 Cricket color to catch 8 bluegill and 1 channel catfish. This was the best day I have ever had using an artificial lure. I tried several other Mepps Thunder Bugs in different colors, but came up empty. This 00 size allowed me to fish close to structure without hanging up in it. I will be buying more Thunder Bugs in the future. Awesome lure!

Bassman – Lake Livingston, Livingston, Texas

Lure: Black Fury

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bass, Rock - Bass, Striped - Bass, White - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Crappie (Black) - Crappie (White) - Perch, White - Perch, Yellow

I've been bass fishing for 35 years, I caught my first 9 1/2 lb bass on a Fluorescent Orange Mepps Black Fury . Chartreuse Mepps Black Fury #3 is my best friend. When I don't want to search a long time for bass, I'll use the Black Fury, with the first 2 cast if I don't get any hits I'll move. Normally within 2 cast the fish are there. I've caught 2 to 3 lb crappie easy. This is the BEST lure made , next to the plastic worm . lol

Mike Busby – Ray Roberts Resev, Texas

Lure: Aglia & Dressed Aglia

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth

I have been using Mepps Algia spinner baits for over thirty years. Now that I can get them in #5's, I have been catching more quality (4-6 lbs) largemouth bass then ever. Great lure, easy to use, and very effective.

August Mancuso – Remington Trails Pond, Katy, Texas

Lure: Aglia Long

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth

Caught a 10lb bass (have picture) on my Mepps Aglia #1 red and white blade. It's the one I go to when I'm not sure what to use. Covers a lot of water. It remains one of my primary go-to-lures when I'm unsure what to use. It has caught many a fish, trout and bass, and it has now caught my biggest bass to date. Thanks guys!

Andrew – Lake In Crossplains, Texas, Texas

Lure: Thunder Bug

Fish Caught: Bass, Largemouth - Bluegill (Bream, Brim) - Crappie (White) - Perch, White - Perch, Yellow - Sunfish (shellcracker)

The dressed Mepps Thunder Bug is an awesome lure! I was at my deer lease close to Crossplains, TX when I was catching panfish left and right! I also caught crappie and largemouth bass. When nothing is catching fish, the Mepps Thunder Bug does! If you buy this lure, it will be worth your money!!!

Gilbert Arroyo – El Paso, Texas

Lure: Syclops

Fish Caught: Redfish

Nothing grabs the attention of a redfish quite like the shine of a Mepps Saltwater Syclops! I've tried other spoons, and spinners, even live bait but nothing works like Mepps!

Sean Eslick – Coppell, Texas

Lure: Bantam Syclops

I love this lure! I always attatch a fly to it's back so I can cast it with a spincasting reel.

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